Community: Not Just A Buzzword, But A New World For Events.

Community. You’ve probably been hearing about this trend everywhere. But what does it have to do with the events industry?

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Community is more than a buzzword

Well, many successful brands in other industries have moved to a community model, engaging with their customers for an extended period of time - sometimes all year long. Starbucks, Peloton, Sony Playstation, Buzzfeed - they all have thriving communities where their followers meet each other, consume branded content and buy products all year long.

When it comes to events, studies have shown that extending the life cycle of your event leads to more networking, better ROI and more engagement. So we say: why stop at leaving the platform open for a couple of weeks after the event? What if you made the people and content accessible all year long?

Enter: the event community. With a community, planners can start immersing attendees in a branded online world where they can get their fix of networking, new content, human connection and news at the click of a button, any day of the year.

Communities are the ideal place from which to inspire and recruit brand ambassadors, get ideas on how to shape your future events, foster a sense of connectedness that goes beyond your event days, and get excitement going for your upcoming events.

Read up so you can participate in all the

talk about community

If you're curious to learn more about how communities work within the events world or are ready to build your own community, our report will help. With tips and insight drawn from extensive research and experience-based insight, our community report includes:

  • An easy-to-understand explanation of the community model
  • 6 reasons event planners are turning to communities
  • Case studies of successful communities
  • A 5 step checklist to get your community started

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