How embracing technology helped Hyatt connect people worldwide


“The past 18 months everybody’s been learning. We’ve been learning together.” 

- Maureen (Mo) Storto, Director of Hybrid Events, Hyatt Hotels Corporation


There’s nothing better than getting to catch up with one of our favorite partners - and people! That’s what happened when Mia Masson, Swapcard’s Head of Content, sat down with Mauren (Mo) Storto, Director of Hybrid Events at Hyatt Hotels Corporation. They spoke about embracing the hybrid business model and how the last 18 months have actually been a positive learning experience for Hyatt, especially when it comes to running hybrid events. 

“Connecting people who can’t travel, or who are still uncomfortable or they may be concerned with safety, I think a lot of those problems have been solved with technology.”

- Maureen (Mo) Storto, Director of Hybrid Events, Hyatt Hotels Corporation


Thanks in part to Swapcard and their training, she and her team have felt empowered when it comes to building and running hybrid events. As someone who was “non-technologically savvy,” she shares some important advice and key takeaways for those hesitant to embrace technology and those just beginning their hybrid journey.

You can watch the full interview video here.

Curious how Swapcard can help your team take that hybrid step and successfully embrace event technology as Hyatt has? We run multiple event consultations every week, for free. Our event experts will help you understand how to go hybrid and how we can help.

Book your personal hybrid consultation

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